The Amazing Benefits of Eating Quail Meat

For such tiny little birds, quail really pack a punch with their wonderful flavor and extreme health benefits.

Resembling miniature chickens, a whole quail is great for roasting or grilling. The flavor is similar to dark meat chicken, but of course, has its own unique appeal.

Quail meat is highly nutritious and provides plenty of protein, iron, zinc, and calcium. Quail is also rich in vitamins A, B, C, K, and D.

Compared to chicken, quail is higher in vitamin C and iron. Quail gives you vitamin A whereas chicken does not. Quail also gives you more minerals and amino acids than chicken meat, so it would definitely be a great addition to your menu for getting some diversity into your meals.

Raising quail is great, even for an urban backyard or small homestead because they require little space. You can easily house up to 6 quail in a rabbit cage or even more in a small portable chicken coop.

Females will lay up to 300 eggs per year, so even a small handful of quail will keep you in eggs very easily. The benefits of quail eggs are tremendous! Click here to read more about that.

Because they’re so small, they also don’t require as much feed as raising meat chickens. You can easily incubate their eggs in a small incubator to raise some delicious meat. The eggs hatch in just 17-18 days and the meat is ready to process in about 8 weeks, so they don’t take very long at all!

They’re very quiet as well, with just the roosters making a small crow once in a while. Nothing like the crow of a chicken, though! It’s actually very pleasant and calming to listen to, in my opinion.

If you’d like to give some quail meat a try, just click here to see it in our store.


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