Easy Homemade Peanut Butter

I just HAVE to share this exciting new discovery!

Homemade peanut butter, ready in 5 minutes...for real! And it's so easy.

With grocery store prices skyrocketing, this is something that can help you save money and help you give wholesome goodness to your family.

About 5 months ago, I started a journey looking for better health. I was run down, tired all the time, aching joints every day. Long story short, I decided to cut sugar completely out of my diet.

Well let me tell you, when you start looking at labels, it is absolutely shocking how much hidden sugar is in EVERYTHING! Including something as simple as peanut butter.

Even my beloved brand that I grew up on (let's just say it starts with a "J" and ends with an "F".... oh, and it has an "I" in the middle somewhere lol) was full of added sugars.

Most of the natural, sugar-free brands I found were double in price. So my wheels started spinning and I decided there had to be a way to make some myself at home.

I mean, I make many, many things from scratch, so why not? When I found out how easy it is to make it at home, I was hooked! Not to mention, the jar of peanuts was even cheaper than buying my old brand that was already made.

Just follow this link to get to the easy recipe.


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